Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) provides services to patients who are at high risk for developmental delays in fine motor skills, coordination, upper extremity dysfunction, oral motor skills, visual perceptual difficulties, or activities related to daily living skills (i.e. bathing, dressing, toileting, and feeding). For children, occupational therapy focuses on developing specific life skills rather than job-related functions and helps children further develop or regain skills through specific exercises and task-related activities.

OT Developmental milestones

By 6 months your child should be able to:
Pass toys from one hand to another and grasp and shake a rattle. Can clasp hands together and reach for toys with both hands and can bring hands to mouth.

By 12 months your child should be able to:
Bang two toys together and pokes with index finger. Can put objects in a container. Can self-feed with finger foods and wave good bye.

By 18 months your child should be able to:
Point to one body part and can mark paper with crayon and can build a tower with at least 2 blocks. Points with index finger and bring a spoon to mouth by turning spoon over.

By 24 months your child should be able to:
Build tower of at least 5 blocks and imitates vertical stroke. Can unzip and zip a large zipper and remove shoes and socks. Can wash and dry hands partially.

By 3 years your child should be able to:
Copies a circle with pencil or crayon can turn book pages one at a time. Can fold paper in half
Hold small cup in one hand and pull pants down with assistance.

By 4 years your child should be able to:
Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts and touch the tip of each finger to their thumb. Uses scissors to cut across a piece of paper and start to copy some capital letters. Can also use a fork.

By 5 years your child should be able to:
Print some letters or numbers. Copy a triangle, square and cross. Grasp a pen or pencil correctly (using an adult type grasp). Connect the dots to make a simple shape. Can lace shoes or lacing board.

By 6 years your child should be able to:

Copy a sequence of letters and numbers correctly. Use a knife to cut soft foods and draw a recognizable person with head, body, and limbs. Can put together a 16-20 piece puzzle.